I write what I see; I document what I hear; I talk when I’m listened to; I listen when talking in need to be heard.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sites of significance for Writers & Bloggers

I regularly follow other writers and bloggers blogs. The following links will lead you to discover several interesting points that could help you discover a great deal. So pull a chair over, bring your cup of coffee with you and enjoy the learning ride...
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware, she discusses an article written by literary agent Betsy Lerner. "Should I Tweet?"

What makes readers have a hard time putting the book down at the end of each chapter? Novelist Randy Ingermanson writes about cliffhangers. Great tips here.

In this blog Terry Burns, an agent with Hartline Literary, discusses when NOT to make inflated claims about your book. Self promotion is good, but make sure you work is totally polishede.
So here is  Agent Terry Burns On: When NOT To Stand Out From the Crowd


  1. Thanks for the links. Great post.

  2. Great links, thanks. I hadn't read the article by Betsy Lerner.


  3. Thanks Regina and Rachel. I am always looking for ways to help me become a better writer.
