I write what I see; I document what I hear; I talk when I’m listened to; I listen when talking in need to be heard.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Just to Show What I Like to be Surrounded by...

The polite rejection letters continue to arrive. Can't say it’s not affecting me. It is. But I try to keep an upbeat outlook. Mainly, I continue to write everyday while splitting my loyalty between two books: the one rejected, and the one in progress.


  1. Don't give up! Just think of all the great books that were rejected numerous times before finally being accepted.

  2. I can only speak for myself, but I queried well before my MS was ready. I am greatful for the rejections. Once my MS is truly ready I will get back in the game.

    Good luck. If it is meant to be then it will. Keep believing.

  3. Keep your chin up. It is hard to devote your time to several projects at one time. The rejections hurt but are part of the process. Keep faith in your self and your craft. Stay positive and keep writing. Anything is possible. If you lack the courage to start then you have already finished is one of the mantras that I keep reminding myself of when I start to feel negativity creeping up on me. Best of luck.
